Are all writers disciplined?

I am planning to create a schedule for myself. Well, I’m not that disciplined. But I want to get a list of things I must do every day, even if they are not scheduled.

My Morning Pages, my three new words of the day, my reading, meditation, yoga. This prompted a search for “writer’s schedules” and I found this article.

Half way through the article I realized only one of the two things can be true: Either every great writer in the world has a disciplined writing / daily schedule or the author just covered writers who adhere to a perfect routine.

Do they rely on inspiration? Do they wait for it? Or do they write more when inspired? Out of schedule sometimes? I am not sure. But I am intrigued to try both the ways. In the near future, I will spend 3-6 months in a schedule, not waiting for inspiration.

Right now, I am writing this at 2:51 AM because a few hours ago I really felt like I should create an outline for a silly book that I’ve been thinking about for quite some time. So I did. And then went on to create a schedule. Which led to reading the article above, followed by writing this article hoping someone will read it in the future and help me find great writers from the past who were not routine mules. Reassurance that I am not alone.

PS: WH Auden compared me to Hitler in this article. Don’t read it.