Excessively Outcome-driven

Human mind has the capacity to imagine. This means we can generate options and narrow down choices in our minds. That means we already know how Strawberry ice cream will taste versus Bitter Gourd ice cream.

So we do not make Bitter Gourd ice cream at all. Save energy, get better results.

But we’ve taken this superpower to its extremes.

Today, we do not act unless we know the outcome reasonably well. Too many walls to protect us. If I want to go search for a house, I want to know the minutest of details, a near-exact estimation of time required to check out the options, and a Pinterest board full of images that make a collage of a house in my mind.

We do this for everything in life. Excessively.

Need to find a balance and weigh the process as equally important regardless of the outcome.

That is the difference between someone who seems to be a risk-taker and okay-with-failure compared to someone who keeps themselves cocooned.

Balance between thoughts and actions is evermore important today.