Fucked up reward-system

Human beings grow. To grow, we need the motivation to put in some effort. This motivation used to be biological. Now it is mostly social.

This means society rewards and punishes each one of us in different ways. One of the most used ways is to give or take away attention. This has a direct impact on dopamine and other reward centers of the brain.

Having seen inboxes of a diverse set of women friends, I know that they can get rewarded for picking their nose on video.

Suddenly, effort != reward.

This fucks up their system and in the long run, it will fuck up the entire society.

I know and theoretically understand how bad patriarchy is. But the other end of the spectrum is going to be worse. Although my Pendulum theory says we will reach the other end of the spectrum before moving to a balanced middle, I would like to experiment and tell this incredibly dangerous, politically incorrect idea that reward should always correlate with effort.