People without needs

What do you offer someone who doesn’t need anything?

A worthy challenge.

Thought was concretized when I was talking to an OG Bitcoiner from India.

We want people who are incorruptible. Like Andreas Antonopolous.

We want people who will stand by the truth and will do their dd before walking a path.

Most people can’t do this because they can be lured with something or the other.

Also, they can separate their wants from needs.


Western thought says if someone doesn’t need anything, they will not be motivated. Such an unwise thought.

As an experiment, I’m making a club of people who do not need anything. Contrary to what most people might think, this won’t be full of billionaires. Most billionaires are still in the rat race. Almost every millionaire I’ve met is definitely in the rat race.

How to visualize such people?

Frank Sinatra’s song “To say all the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels”

Visualize Gandhi in an ashram.

Let’s call this PWN experiment. Inviting a few who can invite a few. The number of referrals required will go up as the size increases. Will post the math some day. This could be applied to every tightly-knit club that doesn’t want to “scale”.