100% ownership

There are no other problems in the world. There is no poverty, violence, war, or wealth inequality.

If we were to dig deep enough, the smallest unit of all of these problems would be made up of only one thing: the principal-agent problem.

The more networked and dependent we become, the more these problems crop up.

If everyone took complete ownership of whatever they were doing, all of these problems would disappear.

In a complex world like ours, these risks are divided and often arbitrated at personal and macro levels.

And yes, until we go to the Charkha lifestyle, this is not going to be solved completely.

But, but, just in our day-to-day personal and work lives, if we can start being and holding people accountable for 100% ownership of whatever they’re doing, regardless of external factors, it would train our brains and social structures would align for this kind of a world.

Philosophical changes like this can start from a work culture that rewards taking ownership and punishes dependencies.

One Reply to “100% ownership”

  1. CHARU ARORA says:

    Thought-provoking indeed! Never looked at it that way, but makes so much sense!

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