Two types of hackers

Almost every hacker I’ve met, I can categorize into two types:

  • One who complicates stuff
  • One who simplifies stuff

I don’t know why someone would complicate stuff. But if I were to guess, it would be to mask some kind of insecurity.

Maybe this applies to every profession. Plumbers, doctors, chefs, etc.

#sidenote, I’ve got to write about this unique American disease of regurgitating technical specs for being seen as smart. Very wisely depicted in Chuck Lorre productions.

People like Paul Graham have my utmost respect because he simplified hacking for a lot of people. He doesn’t try to make it seem like an arduous task. The others are just standing in the way of innovation.

Paul Graham is rare because society rewards those who “sound technical” + people without insecurity are a rare breed in themselves.