How to make things happen

For those who want to make things happen, you got to make them happen. The Left today has been brought up on some drug which makes them think there is some perfect world that an authority figure has to provide for every young person.

That is not true. You want something, you got to point your power at it.

Asking for others to do anything without committing your time, attention, and money first is a sure-shot way of becoming a complainer lefty.

There is no perfect place / government / community / country. Because human beings always want something else. We have to understand that things have been here for a long time before any of us got here and they will be there long after we are gone. No problem of ours is that important to the entire world.

In 2024, here is a recipe for a tweet whenever you want to change anything:

  • I want to change _______________
  • Problem / complaint:
  • Possible solution(s):
  • I am committing x number of hours over the next two years and $y to change this or letting go of $z in salary to make this happen
  • Who else wants to join me?
  • We may fail but we have got to try

I believe this will be a clear ground for any movement to start. Founder has to commit to a certain amount of risk in terms of time / money.

Use of words cannot be ‘i prefer’. It must bring more certainty.

Speeches and long posts become protests and we hardly get anything out of it.