Metrics of success determine the culture

Whoever determines the success metrics controls the steering wheel of the civilization. This is linked to Lagaan Syndrome.

I was sitting with an American friend and we were discussing about one young man in our group who wouldn’t drink, smoke, go clubbing. He would instead sleep early and wake up early. For future reference, let us call this guy Jared.

The American friend said, “He is a worker bee”. The immediate lack of coolness was highlighted.

But this young man has been traveling all over the world, has a great job, is friends with almost everyone around, and is a genuinely good human being. All of that wasn’t in consideration because is it uncool in this modern culture.

As a community builder, we have to understand that the top measures of success that we highlight become drivers of culture. If it is a community of musicians, the number of hours of practice or how many tickets are sold would attract very different kinds of musicians.

In terms of Indian culture, I think we need to question everything. (We should question all success metrics)