Pointing your power

(Also ref for community builders: Communities are about layering)

One spectrum that I see people on is Base spectrum: local vs global.

One of the things I have done most of my life is the walk around thinking locally. This means I would talk to anyone who approached me, advise anyone who wanted it, and keep judgment out of consideration.

So the impact was broad. Many people. Little depth per person.

Now I point my power well.

This means I will try and help fewer people who I can build Compounding relationships with.

Bubble Traveller

When I lived in a beach village in India running an artists’ hostel, I would visit my friends and family in Mumbai during the off-season. I would feel this stretch in my brain.

I would find myself telling my hippie friends to work harder and challenge their brains while recommending my city friends to chill out, stand and stare for a bit.

Both would yield minimal results.

Just like if you talk about Bitcoin to Solana folks and vice versa. It gets very aggressive and very dumb very fast.

The gap is just too wide.

In a world without truth, there are only tribal truths.


I can put this into words for the first time: I travel across bubbles.

These are just two wide spectrums.

But I do hang out with:

  • GenZ as well as my friends who are 60+.
  • Right-wing religious folks as well as left-wing purple hair folks
  • Men’s rights activists as well as women’s rights activists
  • Bikers as well as drum circle organisers
  • Yacht partiers and those eating McDonalds at a crypto conference
  • tpot as well as e/acc

I think my insatiable curiosity drives me to learn from each one of these groups + my undying desire to teach people (or maybe just reconcile my own beliefs) gets me exposed to numerous people who can handle well-intentioned critique of their bubbles.

The only problem I am left with is: I have to design my tribe with a specific value system from the ground up.

After seeing an aisle full of values and beliefs, I cannot buy anything out of the box anymore.

But that is little price to pay for the knowledge and the learning that I got.

I keep saying this: the magic is somewhere in the middle.

And I am here to find that middle. Samatvam, as it is called in trad Indian literature.

100% ownership

There are no other problems in the world. There is no poverty, violence, war, or wealth inequality.

If we were to dig deep enough, the smallest unit of all of these problems would be made up of only one thing: the principal-agent problem.

The more networked and dependent we become, the more these problems crop up.

If everyone took complete ownership of whatever they were doing, all of these problems would disappear.

In a complex world like ours, these risks are divided and often arbitrated at personal and macro levels.

And yes, until we go to the Charkha lifestyle, this is not going to be solved completely.

But, but, just in our day-to-day personal and work lives, if we can start being and holding people accountable for 100% ownership of whatever they’re doing, regardless of external factors, it would train our brains and social structures would align for this kind of a world.

Philosophical changes like this can start from a work culture that rewards taking ownership and punishes dependencies.

Why we fight

For as long as we’ve had stories, we know that people explore. From Ragnar Lothbrok to Captain Flint, from Da Vinci to Wright brothers, from Steve Jobs to Satoshi, from Gandhi to Peter Thiel, everyone has been doing things only for one reason: to find or build a better world.

That is the underlying motivation behind everyone who moves their mouth or fingers every morning.

The great ones just dare to accept the magnanimity of this mission, say it out loud, and devote their lives in pursuit of it, knowing this is all going to fail.

We are on the Sisyphean task of making sense of the entire universe. We will fail. Every ancient scripture talks about the day that this good fight ends.

But what else is there? So we fight.

In that fight, the result doesn’t matter. What matters is those sparks when two swords meet, when the gong rings, when the Gods smile.

This requires a deep understanding of the world and, more importantly, courage.

Sadly, the creation of this new world also means a threat to the old world.

And often, the new world is built on the sweat and knowledge of the old world. Spanish Gold was needed for Nassau. And yet, it had to disconnect from the old energy.

Today, we are building metaverses. We no longer need to take physical risks to discover and experiment with new worlds.

But the fight is still on. We need to take from the old, build the new and try to make it better.

All great endeavours will lead to a better world before the world folds into itself.

It does not matter because nothing matters. But we will have been a part of this unique painting of that moment when the Gods laughed. That resonance is our reward.

This, we hope, stays in the universe’s memory forever.

That is why we fight.