Fucked up reward-system

Human beings grow. To grow, we need the motivation to put in some effort. This motivation used to be biological. Now it is mostly social.

This means society rewards and punishes each one of us in different ways. One of the most used ways is to give or take away attention. This has a direct impact on dopamine and other reward centers of the brain.

Having seen inboxes of a diverse set of women friends, I know that they can get rewarded for picking their nose on video.

Suddenly, effort != reward.

This fucks up their system and in the long run, it will fuck up the entire society.

I know and theoretically understand how bad patriarchy is. But the other end of the spectrum is going to be worse. Although my Pendulum theory says we will reach the other end of the spectrum before moving to a balanced middle, I would like to experiment and tell this incredibly dangerous, politically incorrect idea that reward should always correlate with effort.

All about possibilities

I love it when I see possibilities instead of roadblocks. This may put me on the dreamer / optimistic side of the spectrum but I am addicted to this like a drug.

I think of possibilities in every situation, with every person, with every idea connecting to another idea, with every place, and with life.

Just that I always thought too much of negative possibilities most of my life. Now, I consciously decide to focus on the positive ones.

This makes me go from milestone to milestone without the loss of enthusiasm.

Pseudo-adventure industry

Friend: I don’t like living in apartments in cities. I want to live under clear skies, sleep under the stars, live in a place with fresh air.

Me: I don’t think I can sleep on the roof as yet

F: No, there are other ways. We can have a glass roof in our room.

Now, here’s the problem. Sleeping under the stars is an experience, an adventure, and not just a sensory one. Sleeping within a room with just a visual of the stars is like going on an adventure with training wheels.

One, that is ironic because it takes adventure out of the adventure.

Second, this level of fear among human beings have created an entire industry that I would like to call pseudo-adventure. People who think they go on an adventure but never really approach the boundaries of their fears.

Me: I don’t think I want to get a glass roof. I will slowly learn to sleep on the rooftop.

[[add more examples]]

There are billion-dollar industries selling pseudo adventures to people who do not realize how unhealthy this is for their risk appetite and self-worth.

Every pseudo adventure is like a street handjob. Deep down you know this is the rock bottom. It is the

Ideas don’t matter

I get too many people saying, “they stole my idea”.

To them, all I want to say is, ideas don’t get you credit, money, or importance if you can’t execute them. Exception is academics but let’s be frank, which academic has ever had an impact on the world. Only practitioners do.

So listen to this guy. He says what I want to tell you:

Read up about Ramanujan. He had answers to complex mathematical problems. But he had to ‘prove’ them before the fraternity accepted his genius.

That’s how the world works.

Stop complaining. Start executing.

The case for high integrity

Collaboration has been the bedrock of human civilization. Human beings dominate the world because of our ability to work in groups. Cultures where people collaborate better prosper.

Human beings invented legal and social contracts to lay down the rules of collaboration. But legal contracts only go so far when relationships need to go beyond transactions. It is only a race between society’s ways of enforcing reputation/status and the participants trying to outsmart these markers.

Although we move full-speed towards trustless global transactions, small groups of high integrity people have outachieved the non-collaborative.

The case is clear. Groups with high trust and integrity achieve a lot more.

It takes time to curate such groups but many individuals, organisations and mission-driven groups will start being accessible only to those with high integrity.

Because in the information era, knowledge, skill, and experience can be gained. Integrity is the only critical variable that matters and acts as a great filter.

“Needs to” problem

This is a live search for the exact words “need to” on Twitter. Hundreds of tweets every second. Everyone from a bot account with 10 followers and a string of numbers in the handle to Mukesh Ambani wants to tell someone else what they need to do.

Everyone wants to tells everyone else what they need to do to fix their own problems.

This shows a belief that someone else is a crucial impediment in solving one of my problems.

Follow up questions:

  • Why can’t I solve it myself?
  • Why is this other person so crucial to solving this problem in my life?
  • Have I accepted that the only way to solve this is by changing this person’s behavior to act in my favor?