How can I help you?

I started with nothing. Literally a laptop and a spare room at my grandfather’s place.

I quickly discovered that immense forward energy is created when we discover a synergy with the mind: ‘how can I help?’ in any situation. It creates in-roads that may not be that focussed but they lead to previously undiscovered paths that surprise people.

Sometimes I gave free advice to my clients, solved some random bug, gave extra thought for their design, etc. This only made them look at me as a solution-provider instead of a salesman. Not that I do this now. I know what path I am on. But even now, I try and make everyone around me’s life a little better.

This costs nothing, and while many people forget, those who do remember end up paying it back or forward. In any case, it is a virtuous cycle for the world.

That is exactly why everyone needs to work towards their cause. That brings about this attitude: How can I help?

I will tell you when you are wrong

You may be my partner/boss/employee, but I will respectfully tell you when you are wrong.

When I do this, my intent will be to further our mutual interests. Ideally, I would expect us to have a discussion and reach some consensus. If not, we will disagree respectfully (assuming both of us present facts / theories to back our stand).

I will not be a yes man. If you want that, find someone else please.